Welcome to
Squid Bet #1

The Betting Competition where only 1 Player will win-it-all !

Base Prize Pool is 7000 FTM MINIMUM* !

*(500 Players x 10 FTM) / 10% Organisator Fee + 500 x 5 FTM for the first Bet)

  • Remaining Spots
  • Registered Players

0 Player(s) Registered for the Squid Bet Competition

Total Current Prize Pool: 0 FTM

Entry Fee: 10 FTM*

*(10% of the total Entry Fee amount will be collected as the Organisator Fee and sent to the BlockBet Treasury.
No other fee will be collected afterwards).

Betting Amount / Round: 5 FTM

Squid Bet Rules:

I. 500 Players will compete during 5 rounds over 5 days (1 round per day).

II. Each Player can only bet once per round.
At the end of each bet, the losing side is eliminated.

III. Entry Fee* + every bets from every Players will be placed in the Prize Pool.

*10% of the Total Entry Fee will be collected as the Organisator Fee and sent the the UltiBets Treasury

IV. If, for any reasons, you can't or don't have enough funds to place a bet before the round deadline, you will be eliminated.

V. After the 5th and last round, the last standing Player wins all the gain accumulated from the Prize Pool.

If there is still more than 1 Player standing, then a random player number** among the remaining Players will be picked, thereby designating the Winner of the Squid Bet Competition !

**The Squid Bet smart contract has Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) implemented to assure a fair result.

As a reward, for any round successfully passed, a Player will receive a unique Squid Bet NFT !

As the number of eliminated Players won't be the same for any rounds, this will create unique Squid Bet NFT Collections with their own scarcity based on the remaining Players after each round.

As you progress further down the end of the game, the rarity will increase as the bet difficulty will arise after each bet and fewer Players will remain after each round!